
Making digital transformation happen.

We analyze, we think, we plan and we do it.

In Wizard we believe that there are no tricks or mysteries. We believe that magic only happens when a project is analyzed, a plan is drawn up and you work in confidence.

We are a multidisciplinary team of people who work together to overcome adversity and meet the objectives set. Our only magical ingredient: common sense.


What we do

We do not offer everything, we prefer to focus on what gives us a plus and differentiates us.

Digital Strategy

Consulting and implementation of digital ecosystems.

Web Development

Front-end html5 responsive.
Back-end php / MySql.


Native, hybrid, webapps.
Important: that they are useful.

Management systems

Plaforms made to measure, challenging all logics.

Email Service

Broadcasting systems integrated with Amazon email service. Email marketing.


Implementation of data visualization dashboards.


Developments in favor of search engine positioning.

Content Marketing

Advertising drafting. Audiovisual production.


Goal definition

What will be the purpose of the project? Who will be addressed? To what end? Think both short and long term.

Functional documentation

It is necessary to detail the functionality of the project in a written document, which explains its logic and operation.

Work Gantt

To be able to comply with the implementation times it is fundamental to establish dates for each stage of the project.


In this step, an interface of the development steps is performed. A "skeleton" of boxes and blocks that will serve as a guide for the design.

UX / UI Design

Graphic design focused on user experience, taking into account operational flows and system responses.

Html5 layout

Process by which the graphic prototype is transformed, in html code, css and js so that it can be interpreted correctly by browsers.

PHP / MySql Code

Armed with php scripts (most widespread programming language on the web) to execute server-side actions.

Our Proyects


Nothing more satisfying than seeing how the projects that are born in notes of paper,
become real, useful. We share some of them.



Asistente Dinámico Nidera

ADN, a material comparison tool that we implemented for Nidera Argentina and Brazil.

  • Geographical selection by zones and departments.
    Hybrids or main varieties comparison vs 4 witnesses.
  • Results panel, regression graphs, differentials, data segmentation by environments and more.
  • Self-management of materials and comparison matrices.
    Real-time usage statistics dashboard.
Data collection system


We developed, together with Nidera, a customized system, with offline operation for the capture of agronomic information.

We generate an integration through a web platform to manage the system, analyze and track the data.

  • Assignment of tests by types of users.
    Self-management of sets and materials information.
  • Issuance of georeferenced alerts in real time.
  • Visualization dashboard to track data, with the possibility of segmenting zones, data types, thresholds, etc.
  • Implementation on Amazon, with daily database backups.

RIL renewal

We accompany the Local Innovation Network in its digital transformation by developing its new website + institutional video.

Better navigability, clearer information, greater dynamism, responsive in earnest and with a coherence in visual identity.

Customized Back-end for self-management of all site content.

Sharing knowledge


We not only want you to know us, but also how we think.
That's why we share the following thoughts.

Utility and empathy

When planning a project we must be able to respond positively to the following concerns:
- Are we creating a really useful and necessary solution?
- If I were the end user, how would I like it to work?

Leave a trace

The people within the agencies and companies change, they pass. We must work with the conviction of leaving a legacy in the place that we play, in each app, software or development in which we participate.

Collective ingenuity

The agency and the client must form the same team, exchanging expertise. For the projects to go forward, the support and management of the agency is as important as the knowledge of the business by the client.

Doubt and question

All questioning raised logically is positive. Do not stay with the first good ideas, because they are always improvable. It is necessary to be a little pessimistic to anticipate any inconvenience.

Functional documentation

Every project must have a solid foundation from the beginning. It is essential to build a clear and precise document with all the details of the development, before moving on with any other next step. It will serve for all actors to have a defined guide on which to act.

Planning and times

One of the most critical points of any development, is the implementation time. To align expectations, it is key to set up a work gantt where all the stages of the project and the estimated time of each one are detailed. Important: that this document did not end just as a formality.

Evaluation and follow-up

There is no project that can not be improved, if it is not measured. It is fundamental to devote time to the analysis of information and to be able to make decisions based on concrete data.

Tasks and budgets

It is necessary that each project has its hours breakdown according to task, for the estimate of the budget. That its cost, reflect with total honesty, the time dedicated.

Template vs. custom

The decision to start a custom project or from a pre-defined template depends 100% of the project itself. Take the time necessary to define the basis of our armado and evaluate the pros and cons of each option.


The server will host our developments and make them work correctly (or not!). It is necessary to make an exhaustive analysis of the performance of our project to avoid surprises.


It is a key point, which is often given little importance. It is essential to know the owner of our domains, be clear about their expiration dates and renewals. Have control over access codes!

Responsive / browsers

It is not the same to visualize a project in Google Chrome than in Microsoft Edge, or from an iOS mobile device or from an Android. It is necessary to do a check for the different screen resolutions and browsers to ensure that our development responds correctly.


Golden rule: have a data backup of all our developments. And more importantly: perform the necessary checks to make sure they are running correctly.

Information quality

Much of the heart of each company lies in its information, its data. It is a challenge to achieve a correct use of them, have them organized, systematized and available.

Lets communicate


Write to us.
It will not end up in a forgotten box.
Our team will give you feedback soon!

  • +54 1167563128
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina.